Monday, July 28, 2008


i didn't get to go camping this past weekend.
i can blame that all on my mom for keeping
me back because of school. it was a huge
disappointment for me but i'm coping with it.
instead...i went to d&b for senpai's birthday.
not bad for my first time there (finally).
also attended josh's birthday/grad party.
a very chill time with the homies...
the basketball tournament was entertaining.
went to mass and caught up with the camping crew.
afterwards...while the majority ate at chipotle
i had sushi with jp and my sis at maki yaki.
for the's good stuff.
met up with the others to watch stepbrothers.
freakin' hillarious!
this is will ferrell and john c. reilly's comeback.
i haven't laughed so hard watching
a movie all year was grrreat.
i'm glad this was how i finished the weekend.
i may not have gone camping but
i managed to chill with those that did
in the end...very appropriate.

tomorrow is my final.
and as always...
i'm more excited about
just getting over it so i can
enjoy the the small break i have ahead of me.
i don't have a break all august
and the next one starts september 9
so i'm going to make this one count.
i have to paint my pieces for the art show,
get my passport renewed,
finally wash my car, and
of course...catch up with friends.

i went from being invited to meagan's birthday dinner
to advising ashley on planning it to being the main planner.
and i was already content with going.
ashley is lucky the huynhs are royalty.
otherwise...i'd be more disgruntled haha.

alright...more focus on the final.
good night.

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