Tuesday, February 24, 2009

"feast of love."

an hour or so ago, in celebration of fat tuesday...dub, arthur, christian, pat, ray amador, rachel, tiff, and i went over to rowland heights for some crazy delicious korean bbq. for many of us, it would be the last time dining out until after lent. but for all of us...it was yet another good eating adventure.

over in yucca valley, there's a lot of downtime in between patient care and paper work. and so...tommy, kristen, ej, vincent, and i have turned to rock, paper, scissors for entertainment. while this is utterly random and childish, it is also totally awesome. hahaha...there's all sorts of rules, an rps (yes, we abbreviated it for coolness) champion, and seeds #2-5. maybe the desert (and boredom) is getting the best of us, but we're making the most of the situation.

ash wednesday is almost here so i'd like to wish all Catholics a good and prosperous lent. although i will not disclose all my lenten sacrifices and promises, here's one of them...i'm giving up this blog! so on that note...take care and much love.

until Easter - jl.

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