Sunday, May 17, 2009

"the best is yet to come."

the lakers have just whomped the rockets once and for all this season. this has just been one of many highlights this past weekend. i got to chill with my dad in little tokyo and enjoy a great lunch at shabu shabu house...the original is still the best (but yojies is my ties ya dig). even though plans for gyu-kaku ultimately failed on friday...dub, jee, matt, fred, arthur, and i had quite the exquisite seafood dinner at king's fish house.

i finally watched the wrestler, seven pounds, and last chance harvey. i recommend all these movies for your viewing pleasure. superb storytelling and acting with plenty of lessons to learn along the way to the closing credits.

the crosstrainer end-of-the-year party went down last night and it was good to see everyone chill out and eat to their hearts' content...thanks to the taco lady. it's been a different kind of season for me since i didn't go on any retreats and i had to focus more on school but it's been a spiritually rewarding one for me nevertheless. i look forward to coming back next season in full force.

i started maternal/child health on may 13, and at this point in our journey to be nurses, my class is starting to see the finish line. we're less than 8 weeks away from graduation. i'll save my thoughts on concorde for a better time. i'm just excited knowing that starting this week...we're going into full acute-care mode. that is definitely good news as we don't have to drive ridiculous distances to perform long-term care anymore. i've learned much from those experiences but it's time to move on and learn more things...and for that i'm happy.

july 7 is slowly becoming a reality.

anxious but focused - jl

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