Wednesday, December 17, 2008

"you drive me crazy."

when i woke up this morning at 4:50am, i knew this day was going to be rough...and i was definitely right. i was more annoyed than usual by the drive to hemet, especially with all the rain and fog. my clinical instructor was more irritating than ever before...and she disrespected our class with her belittling statements and actions. then, after an 8-hour shift...i had to pick up my auntie aichu from LAX, a journey that took 5 hours from hemet to LAX and back home in more rain and traffic.

don't get me wrong, it was a pleasure to take care of my patients today and i have no qualms about picking up my aunt. today was just not my day...sigh.

here's to a better tomorrow. hopefully one with less driving.

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